Empathy Mapping is a tool that is being used extensively by UX (User Experience) professionals to understand their users better. You can use it to understand yourself better.

This exercise involves creating a visual representation of someone's perspective, whether your own or another person's, to enhance empathy and self-awareness.

Here is how it looks like:

WORKBOOK - Empathy Mapping.png

<aside> 📌 Download PDF:

WORKBOOK - Empathy Mapping.pdf


Here's how you can apply it:

  1. This little figure in the center of the digital canvas is you.

  2. You can see that the canvas is divided into 4 sections: Says, Does, Thinks, Feels

  3. Think about each section and fill it in with the corresponding info:

    | SAYS

    The Says quadrant contains everything you say out loud verbatim.

    Think about all the things you say you will do. Think about all your narratives. What do you say to describe your self-perception and the challenge in front of you. | THINKS

    Capture all your thoughts on the challenge in front of you.

    You are an intelligent sentient being. Which means, you can not only think. But you can think about your thinking. Do that. Observe yourself as if you would be your own therapist. Observe without judgment. | | --- | --- | | DOES

    The Does quadrant encloses the actions that you take.

    Think about your day-to-day. Are your actions congruent with what you want to achieve? Where is the misalignment? | FEELS

    The Feels quadrant is your emotional state. Represent it as an adjective plus short context.

    Capture your emotional states. Try to describe them to the best of your ability. (You can leverage ‣) |


WORKBOOK - Empathy Mapping - example.png

This is a short version just to give you an idea of how to complete this exercise. The more you write, the more clarity you will have.

Coach yourself**:**


Communication Patterns: What does your verbal communication say about your needs, concerns, or desires in various situations?
Impact on Others: How do your words affect the people around you? Are there instances where your communication led to misunderstandings or clarity?
Alignment with Intentions: Do your spoken words reflect your true intentions and values in interactions with others?


Internal Dialogue: What recurring thoughts or beliefs influence your perceptions of yourself and the world?
Self-Talk Impact: How do your thoughts impact your emotions and behaviours in different situations?
Challenge Negative Thoughts: Can you identify any thought patterns that might limit or hold you back?


Emotional Responses: What emotions surface in different scenarios or interactions with others?
Trigger Points: Are there specific situations or triggers that consistently evoke certain emotions?
Impact on Actions: How do your emotions influence your decisions and actions in daily life?
